The financial viability of the state agency that handles millions of dollars in college student...
Scholarship for special needs children faces hurdles
A plan to set up a state scholarship program for special needs children has stalled in the senate...
Beginning teacher survey asks rookie instructors if they were adequately prepared
More than four-thousand beginning teachers and their principals will soon be receiving word from...
Institute says Missouri lags in early childhood education
The National Institute for Early Childhood Education Research says Missouri lags behind the...
Tuition rises at MSU
The Missouri State University Board of Governors has approved a tuition increase for the 2008-2009...
Crossing professional lines to become teachers
It's a small step but an important one in dealing with Missouri's growing teacher shortage,...
US Education Secretary Touts No Child Left Behind
United States Education Secretary Margaret Spellings tells members of the Missouri State Board of...
Another Deadly Shooting Prompts Another Review
Another college campus has experienced another deadly shooting and prompted another round of...
Parents of Autistic Children Ask for Assistance
Parents of developmentally disabled children could send their children to private schools under...
More Missouri High School Students Taking Advanced Placement Exams
The College Board's fourth annual AP Report to the Nation finds more and more Missouri students...
Kirksville College President on Medical Leave
The President of A-T Still University in Kirksville has gone on medical leave after his second...
Plugging a Math and Science Gap in Schools
A state senator comes up with a way to plug the shortage of math and science teachers in public...
Career and Technical Education Leaders Seek More Support
Father and grandfather might have taken "shop" class in high school and might have gone...
Protecting Students From Teachers
A plan to give school districts backbone in the fight against sexual predators is moving toward...
Five Star for Pre-School?
We have five-star ratings for restaurants and hotels . How about for early childhood education...
Money Sought for Anti-Terrorism Program in Schools
When the Missouri legislature passed a safe schools act in 19-96, it could not have...
Policy Study Points to Possible Benefits of Tuition Tax Credit Program
The Show-Me Institute, a St. Louis-based research and educational institute, has released a study...
DESE Not "Alarmed" By Anything in 2008 Crop of Legislative Education Bills
State education officials are among the many interested parties keeping track of goings on in the...
Virtual Driver Instruction To Be Offered
Missouri's virtual school system is preparing to fill a major gap in Missouri high school...
Forsee New President of University of Missouri
The University of Missouri has stepped outside of the world of the academy to pick its 22nd...
Sources Say Missouri Set to Choose Forsee as President
Sources at the University of Missouri indicate the new University President will be Gary Forsee,...
Time to File For School Board Candidacy
Now is the time for all interested Missourians to begin filing for school board candidacy in their...
MWSU Hires New President
The new President of Missouri Western University calls his job "a dream come...
Blunt Calls for Additional Money for Higher Education
Governor Matt Blunt (R-MO) wants to put more money into higher education. In appearances...
MSU Christmas Tree Controversy Settled
The tree came down, then it went back up. Now, a Christmas tree at the center of a Christmas...
Search for MU President Said to be Narrowing
The former chief executive officer of Sprint Nextel is reportedly one of the candidates for the...
Thousands of Maps Available On-Line Through M-U Digital Library
If you're looking for the site of your great-grandfather's hardware store in his home town, or how...
Spotting Mental Health Problems in Schools
Schools have health nurses....but MENTAL health nurses? A movement has started in Missouri to deal...
Report on NWMSU Shooting Praises University’s Crisis Management Plan
The Co-Chairs of the Campus Security Task Force have issued their after-action report of last...
Thayer Academy Responds to Possible Justice Department Investigation
An important member of Congress has called for a Justice Department investigation into the death...