State Education Commissioner Kent King, who had been suffering from cancer of the brain, has died...
Former school superintendent heading to jail
A former St. Louis County school superintendent who has not contested charges of felony theft and...
Colleges, universities fear devastation from budget cuts
Missouri's higher education institutions say budget cuts that are being suggested for the...
Higher ed braces for big budget hit
Missouri's colleges and universities have been stunned with orders to plan for funding of as much...
Dropout rate up
Missouri's school dropout rate has hit its highest level in at least five years. The state...
Auto sales slump hurting Missouri Transportation Department
A slump in auto sales has been a blow to the Missouri Department of Transportation's bottom line....
Supreme Court asked to rule on action against St. Louis Schools
State Supreme Court judges are being asked to decide whether the state overstepped its authority...
University of Missouri system works to verify student status
To comply with a Missouri law passed earlier this year, the University of Missouri is trying to...
More delinquent youths earn secondary certificates than ever before
More students in Division of Youth Services programs have completed their secondary education than...
Meet Missouri’s Teacher of the Year
Missouri's Teacher of the Year says her students, her fellow teachers, and the importance of what...
Missouri Universities win National Exemplary Award for prevention programs
College students are often stereotyped as binge drinkers, partiers and...
Just a drill, as Westminster works on shooting response
It was just a drill, but a drill that emphasizes something all too real on college campuses in...
Safe buses, safe drivers, safe kids
The yellow buses have hit the roads in great numbers. But there's more to the story than just...
Empty nest not just for parents of college students
Typically, someone suffering from empty nest syndrome is a mother sending her youngest child off...
Preparing for school: high school edition
Most high school students would say the first day of school is run of the mill, but Todd Fuller,...
State audit faults compliance with safe school initiatives
A state audit faults the education department for failing to gather the proper paperwork to comply...
Preparing for school: middle school edition
Getting ready for middle school to begin doesn't have to be hard on students or parents. The...
Preparing for school: elementary edition
Every fall parents and children prepare for the beginning of school. The Missouri State Teachers...
School supplies for homeless kids
A non-profit organization is making it possible for thousands of Missouri homeless children to...
Teaching: It’s as easy as ABCTE
A company that helps professionals in other fields become classroom teachers without going through...
State Board of Education appears cool to idea of four day week
The State Board of Education discusses an idea that has been getting a lot of attention as gas...
Middle school gains highlight MAP test scorecard
Results of the annual Missouri Assessment Program, or MAP tests, have been released by the...
High gas prices fuel talk of four-day school week
Next week's meeting of the State Board of Education will see education leaders discussing an...
School lunch is going up
Missouri's children might have to pay a little more for their lunches this school year. But the...
Missourian is high school broadcast journalist of the year
A Missouri high school journalism student has gained national recognition for her work. The...
Board of Arbitration settles KC-Independence school district dispute
A boundary dispute involving the Kansas City and Independence School Districts has been settled by...
Year after changeover – St. Louis Schools still facing challenges
It's been about a year since the State Board of Education removed accreditation from troubled St....
Audit calls for more school bus drivers scrutiny
Not a scathing audit, but a caution issued by the State Auditor that school districts must become...
A virtual school year wrapping up
The state's first virtual school year is virtually over. The program has had its successes and its...
Steelman announces expansion of MOST scholarships
State Treasurer Sarah Steelman (R-MO) has announced what might be another reason to invest in MOST...