Missourians wanting to see if that insurance company soliciting their business is on the up-and-up...
Possible pothole ahead for Ford bill (AUDIO)
The road ahead for the proposal to encourage Ford to keep making cars at its Claycomo plant has...
Special session begins with some uncertainty (AUDIO)
The special legislative session focusing on tax incentives to keep the Ford plant in Claycomo at...
AG Koster warns of auto service contract fraud (AUDIO)
Attorney General Chris Koster says his office is trying to find a way to ‘play nicely’ with...
Special session starts at midday (AUDIO)
Governor Nixon says he would not have called the legislature back into special session today he...
Ford likes Claycomo but won’t publicly commit (AUDIO)
Legislators looking for some kind of definite positive public sign from Ford before they start the...
40 groups to unite to lobby special session (AUDIO)
Business and labor interests don't care how it's paid for--they just want the legislature to pass...
2010 Mo. Summer Jobs Program connects youth with paid internships across the state
Thousands of young Missourians have an opportunity to get summer jobs through a new state program...
Nixon: legislators asked for early start of session
Governor Nixon has called the legislature into special session a little earlier than he thought he...
Research looks at future of Missouri jobs (AUDIOI)
Researchers at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce say Missouri is not...
Special legislative session called (AUDIO)
Governor Nixon is calling the legislature into session next Thursday to pass two bills. One is an...
Special session call imminent, Nixon indicates (AUDIO)
Governor Nixon indicates he and state legislators are close to a consensus needed for a special...
Legislative leaders remain open about special session (AUDIO)
Legislative leaders seem open to a special session, but its success is dependent on agreement that...
Gov. Nixon will call special session if consensus is reached (AUDIO)
Governor Nixon could call a special legislative session if legislative leaders can reach agreement...
Huge turnout at St. Louis job fair is bittersweet
More than 5,000 people showed up for a job fair at Harris-Stowe State University in St. Louis....
Searching the search engine (AUDIO)
Attorney General Chris Koster expects to hear from Google within two or three weeks about the...
The trend line begins to struggle up (AUDIO)
Another indication that Missouri's economy is in a slow road back up comes with new tax collection...
Another little sign of recovery (AUDIO)
A study of Missouri business conditions finds an 11th straight month of improvement. Slight...
Missourians get chance to speak mind on Missouri River this week (AUDIO)
Missourians get their chance this week to speak their minds about how the US Army Corps of...
PSC grants AmerenUE $226 million electric rate hike (AUDIO)
AmerenUE customers will see their electric bills climb about nine dollars a month, beginning...
Protecting Missouri’s walnuts (AUDIO)
The state agriculture department hopes Missouri can avoid an economic and ecological disaster...
Legislature says: Don’t lien on me (AUDIO)
Imagine buying the home of your dreams, moving in, and then a few weeks later get hit with a...
IBM announces 800 new jobs in Mid-MO by the end of 2012
Officials with IBM made a major economic development announcement Monday afternoon; promising 800...
Ag’s puppy mill counter effort fails (AUDIO)
A four-hour filibuster has been the final nail in the coffin for Missouri agriculture's efforts to...
Senate sends adult business measure to governor (AUDIO)
A new effort by the state to limit locations and business practices of adult businesses has made...
Last-ditch tax credit reform package
With only five days left in this legislative session, lawmakers finally have a specific proposal...
“Once in a Lifetime” license on the table (AUDIO)
The location of Missouri's next casino is considered a "once in a lifetime" process by the head of...
Free, full, fair (tax) discussion (Audio)
One of the hot items in this year's legislative session is not likely to come to a vote. But the...
Stopping a tax that doesn’t exist (AUDIO)
The campaign is called "Vote YES to Stop Double Taxation." But the taxation the campaign wants to...
Legislature moving to make student work permits easier to get
The legislature is changing the law requiring school superintendents to issue work permits to...