by Bill Pollock | Aug 19, 2008 | Sports Features
Listen this week as Darin, Bob, Brent and Steve discuss Claire McCaskill’s role in recent presidential politics. Senator Obama’s RV tour of rural Missouri and where will Governor Blunt’s re-election money go?
by Bill Pollock | Aug 19, 2008 | Sports Features
Listen as the guys primarily discuss the results of the primary elections, some surprising and some what may have been expected.
by Bill Pollock | Aug 19, 2008 | Sports Features
On this week’s Press Box Podcast, I had the opportunity to talk Chiefs’ football with Justin Hull, host of The Home Stretch on sports radio The Score in Appleton, WI. We talked about the draft picks for the Chiefs and what it will take for this team...
by Bill Pollock | Aug 1, 2008 | Sports Features
Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama visited rural Missouri Tuesday and Steve Walsh was there to chat with him. The gubernatorial race has been building up to the Republican Primary next Tuesday. Steve, Bob, and Darin discuss how hot the...
by Bill Pollock | Jul 29, 2008 | Sports Features
Brad Ziegler, an Odessa high school grad and a former pitcher with the Missouri State Bears now pitches for the Oakland A’s and is apart of the Major League record books for breaking a record that stood for 101 years. He was called up to the big...