by admin | Nov 13, 2020 | Health / Medicine, News, Politics / Govt, Transportation, Weather
The National Weather Service (NWS) says some strong to severe storms are possible Saturday afternoon and evening across southwest and south-central Missouri. NWS Springfield meteorologist Cory Rothstein describes it as a conditional risk, depending on what happens...
by admin | Nov 13, 2020 | Business, Education, Health / Medicine, News
The Missouri Senate is expected to debate and vote on the proposed $1.27 billion supplemental budget next Thursday and Friday. That’s according to Senate Majority Leader Caleb Rowden, R-Columbia. The House gave final approval to the supplemental budget this...
by admin | Nov 12, 2020 | Business, Crime / Courts, Education, Health / Medicine, News
Missouri’s governor expanded his special session call on Thursday to include COVID-19 liability, relating to his declared state of emergency for health care providers, manufacturers, businesses, churches, schools and others. The issue is a top priority for...
by admin | Nov 12, 2020 | History, Military, News
Dozens of U.S. military veterans, Gold Star families, state lawmakers and civilians turned out on a sun-soaked Veterans Day afternoon in Jefferson City for a groundbreaking ceremony for the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument. It will be built near the Missouri...
by admin | Nov 11, 2020 | Business, Crime / Courts, Education, Health / Medicine, News
Missouri’s House Speaker anticipates that the governor will expand his special session call to include COVID-19 liability. Speaker Elijah Haahr, R-Springfield, made his comments to Missourinet, during a Tuesday afternoon interview in his Capitol office in...