President Donald Trump has pardoned more than 1,500 defendants involved in the January 6th, 2021, U.S. Capitol breach, including all 38 from Missouri. As promised, he issued the pardons during his first day in office.

Trump also commuted the prison sentences of 14 members of the far-right Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

The offenses of the defendants from Missouri vary, from misdemeanors that involve demonstrating or picketing to felonies of assaulting police officers. Trump’s pardons mean their offenses are forgiven and their rights are restored to own a gun, vote, hold public office or sit on a jury.

At least five people died and more than 140 law enforcement officers were injured after pro-Trump supporters flooded the Capitol the day Congress voted to certify Joe Biden’s presidential win.

In his executive order, Trump said, “This proclamation ends a grave national injustice that has been perpetrated upon the American people over the last four years and begins a process of national reconciliation.”

Missourinet asked Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley about Trump’s decision.

“It’s his decision. Ultimately, under the Constitution, he has the power to do so. And he has looked, individually, his lawyers and his team, at every single one of these. They promised that they would. They’ve been doing that over the last couple of months. And at the end of the day, I defer to his judgment on this. I think, here’s what you say about Donald Trump – he does what he says he’s going to do. I mean, he’s been saying for months, ‘I will pardon these folks and/or commute their sentences.’ That’s exactly what he did. You can knock him for a lot of things, but consistency and follow through you cannot knock him for,” said Hawley.

He blasted Joe Biden for pardoning several people before leaving office, including family members.

Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Kansas City, released a written statement condemning Trump’s actions.

“January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days in American history. As the world looked on and Americans witnessed with their own eyes, President Trump incited an insurrection in an effort to illegally extend his hold on the presidency and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. As a result of the chaos and violence that ensued, more than 100 police officers were injured, several died of their injuries, and the U.S. Capitol building was desecrated, with blood, feces, and other bodily fluids smeared within the halls of Congress. As I reflect on the horrors of that day, it is deeply shocking, but not the least bit surprising,” said Cleaver.

To view the executive order, click here.

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