Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry leaders say Missouri must become more competitive to expand its manufacturing industry. Stet Schanze, president of Gray Manufacturing in St. Joseph, said while manufacturing makes up 30% of the local workforce, it is only 10% of the state workforce.
“In my mind, it is absolutely the cornerstone of a healthy economy — the manufacturing that you have in the city, the region, or the state that you’re talking about,” he told KFEQ Radio in St. Joseph. “As a state we’ve just got to do better.”
The Missouri Chamber recently released a study with recommendations to grow manufacturing in the state.
“We’re basically in a hot economic war with China right now, (and) I think it makes a lot of sense to get supply chains back,” Schanze said. “I think it’s a good time to bring manufacturing back to the United States. And in that environment, I think Missouri has to make itself more competitive.”
The study ranks Missouri 28th in overall manufacturing competitiveness, which Schanze called unacceptable.
“I just think the state’s got to do a much better job,” he said. “We shouldn’t be happy with 28th.You know, that’s not even in the top 50% there, and particularly with the threat of those close-by states that are always nipping at us, and in many cases, right now, ranking higher than us. So, we’ve just got to improve there.”
The Missouri Chamber recommends the state provide incentives for capital investments; improve its transportation, energy, and broadband; increase exports; and strengthen the state’s legal climate.
Manufacturing is currently a $50 billion industry in Missouri with nearly 300,000 workers.
Brent Martin of KFEQ in St. Joseph contributed this report.
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