The inauguration has come and passed for Republican Donald Trump, who is the nation’s 47th president. Missouri Lt. Governor David Wasinger traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the inauguration.

“President Trump endorsed me to be Missouri’s next Lieutenant Governor,” Wasinger said. “I wanted to return the favor. We appeared with him at the inauguration in 2016 and we certainly didn’t want to miss this historic occasion.”

“Donald Trump is going to renew America,” is what Wasinger said about the new Trump Administration.

“There’s going to be a period of economic renewal that President Trump outlined in his speech after the inauguration,” he said. “So, Missourians and frankly the entire United States should be ecstatic about his being sworn in as our 47th President of the United States.”

Wasinger, a native of northeastern Missouri’s Hannibal, is Missouri’s 49th Lieutenant Governor. He was sworn in last Monday.

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