Missourians who own vehicles, farm equipment, boats, and other personal property are reminded to pay taxes on those and their real estate soon.

Michelle McBride, the St. Charles County Collector of Revenue, told Missourinet that all personal property and real estate taxes are collected to fund the public services that people receive.

“When you get your real estate and personal property bills, you should see a listing on it,” she said. “It probably says something to the effect of state, county, school, might say road and bridge, might say fire, might say city, but there’s a listing of what we call political subdivisions or taxing authorities. That’s who gets the money.”

There is a reason why the bills are due at the end of the year.

“This is when the political subdivisions get the bulk of their money,” McBride explained. “Most of us collect year-round because not everybody pays timely. But the political subdivisions will get the lion’s share of their revenue from taxes in January because what we collect in December, we have to pay out by the 15th of January.”

McBride clarified something about the taxes that she said most people miss.

“Taxes are due from the moment you get your bill till the moment you pay them,” she said. “By state law, they are delinquent on January 1st and late payment and penalty and interest is assessed starting on January 1.”

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