Missouri has a critical shortage of affordable childcare providers and an attempt to help them to keep their doors open has failed.
Missouri voters soundly rejected a ballot measure Tuesday that would have allowed the state legislature to pass a property tax exemption for childcare providers. Once the votes were tallied, about 55% of voters opposed the plan, while 45% supported it.
The proposal covered licensed and unlicensed providers who are registered with the state, including in-home childcare. It was for real and personal property taxes, such as building space and transportation used for the children being served.
The financial impact that the proposal would have had on cities, counties, schools, and local government is unknown. The state’s Blind Pension Fund was estimated to lose about $400,000 a year.
About 94% of Missouri’s counties lack access to childcare. The state lost over 1,000 providers during the pandemic and only 300 of them reopened.
One year ago, Missouri lost out on $1.35 billion of economic growth due to a lack of childcare.
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