Mike Kehoe moves on.

Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor won the Republican nomination for governor Tuesday night, beating out State Senator Bill Eigel and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in a hotly contested race. Kehoe thanked his supporters at his campaign watch party in Jefferson City.

“Fifteen months ago, people said we couldn’t win,” he told the audience. “Our own polling showed us 35 points and an underdog. Heck, just four or five months ago, we were down 35 points, but we believed in our cause, but more importantly, you believed in us!”

Kehoe finished with 39% of the vote. Bill Eigel came in second with nearly 33% of the vote, and Jay Ashcroft third with 23%. Kehoe said the gubernatorial campaign exposed some deep divisions within the GOP.

“We have to join together if we’re going to defeat our common enemy,” he said. “And make no mistake, our common enemy is the bad policies pushed by Washington D.C., the dangerous progressive extremists that coddle criminals and make our streets more dangerous, the open border policies that flood our country with illegal immigrants and fentanyl and yes, a dependency on government (that) deflates people’s drive and threatens their futures.”

Kehoe will next face Democratic nominee Crystal Quade in the November general election.

“Tonight, let’s celebrate, but not too much, not too much, because the election is not over,” Kehoe said. “Tomorrow, we’re going to go back to work so that (in) three months I’m standing in front of you as governor-elect, and five months from now, I place my hand on my mother’s Bible.”

The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th.

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