More than 30,000 people are expected to attend this weekend’s 40th annual Olde Tyme Apple Festival in mid-Missouri’s Versailles.

The Olde Tyme Apple Festival celebrates the fall harvest. This is Doris Hilty, innkeeper at Hilty Bed and Breakfast in Versailles (2018 file photo courtesy of Beenders-Walker Group)

The readers of “Rural Missouri” magazine have voted the Olde Tyme Apple Festival as the best annual festival in Missouri. Versailles has about 2,400 residents.

It commemorates the traditional fall apple harvest in the Versailles area. People drive from across Missouri to attend the festival, which includes treats like fresh-baked apple pies, apple dumplings and caramel apples.

The event begins Friday evening at 6 in downtown Versailles, with the apple dumplin’ and darlin’ contest.

Saturday’s events include a pancake breakfast from 6:30 to 9 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, and the numerous vendor booths open at 9 a.m. The Olde Tyme Apple Festival parade starts at 10 a.m. at the Morgan County R-II school, and there will also be a marching band contest. There will also be live music on Saturday, and a car show that goes all day.

Sunday’s events include a community worship service and a noon three-person scramble golf tournament at Rolling Hills Country Club.

Click here for the entire schedule of events.

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