West-central Missouri Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler says she’s surprised to learn that President Donald Trump might have directed the EPA’s latest round of RFS waivers to big oil companies. The waivers reduce demand for ethanol and lower the value of corn – a big blow to Missouri’s farming communities.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler

“He has been very supportive of farmers and this is counter to that. So, he certainly got some bad advice if that’s the case. But I’m going to withhold judgment ‘til I hear more information directly from the president,” she says.

Hartzler says she’s very disappointed with the EPA decision.

“You’ve got corn growers right now, many of them weren’t able to even plant their fields and they did not get the Market Facilitation Program (trade bailout) payments that other commodities did get,” Hartzler says. “They just want to sell their product. They have a great product with ethanol and these waivers are only supposed to be granted in LIMITED cases.”

During her Missouri ag tour this week, Hartzler said she would speak to the President about her concerns “if given the opportunity.”

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