Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)

A meeting next month in Singapore between U.S. and North Korea officials will not happen after all. President Donald Trump, R, has backed out of the summit following North Korea leader Kim Jong Un referring to Vice President Pence as a “political dummy”.

The meeting was meant to discuss North Korea’s nuclear weapons program and U.S.-led sanctions against the Asian nation. U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, calls Trump’s move “prudent.”

“When you try to force feed a diplomatic solution with a leader that is willing to starve his people and kill his relatives to hold onto power, it generally will have a bad ending,” says McCaskill. “I think slowing down the process, there’s a reason why these kinds of meetings have not occurred before. If we could start fresh with an eye toward what can we be doing to enhance our relationships with our allies around the world and focus on that, then I think our national security would be best protected.”

In a letter to the Asian dictator, Trump indicates he’s willing to consider a future meeting if the hostility chills.

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