The St. Louis County Police Department, Representative Doug Beck and the family of Officer Blake Snyder are working toward honoring the fallen police officer with a highway memorial. Nearly 20 people from the police department and several members of the Snyder family attended the House Committee on Transportation the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 21 to speak in favor of House bill 2330.

The bill would designate the section of Highway 30 in front of the Affton Precinct where Snyder served between Tesson Ferry Road and Mackenzie Road the “Officer Blake Snyder Memorial Highway.”

“To have this road renamed after Blake would be a further testament to the sacrifice that he made for his St. Louis community,” wife Elizabeth Snyder said. “He loved St. Louis, he loved his job and he did it proudly and he gave his life proudly and he’d do it again.

On October 6, 2016, Officer Snyder was killed when he responded to a disturbance call. The shooter, Trenton Forster, 18, was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

He was 33 years old and left behind a two-year-old son Malachi Snyder.

About 2,000 people attended his funeral, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

“I’ve unfortunately attended several police funerals in my career but I’ve never seen anything to compare to what I saw that day,” Deputy Chief of Police Kenneth Cox said. “Blue ribbons as far as you can see, school children lined up in Missouri and Illinois, every overpass packed. All of this was to honor a police officer who made the ultimate sacrifice.”

During the Missouri House hearing, Elizabeth Snyder’s brother and fellow officer, and his mother Peggy Snyder spoke in favor of the bill, urging the committee to not only rename the highway but also to take more action for the safety of drivers.

“When I see that sign or when I see signs of Blake, I don’t want it only to be about a change in a name,” Peggy Snyder said. “As Blake often put on his badge, he wanted to make a difference. So I will ask of you today please don’t let this stop here with only the name change but as you consider things that you do throughout your careers make the laws and the rules of our highways, our railroads, our passing ways, our traffic restrictions fair and right.”

Reported by Waverly Colville

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