State Rep. Gina Mitten, D-St. Louis, speaks on the Missouri House floor in March 2017 (photo courtesy of Tim Bommel at House Communications)

Wednesday’s deadly shooting at a Florida high school has reignited outrage from Americans and Missourians who want tighter gun regulations. Seventeen people were killed in the massacre. The 19-year-old shooter is in custody.

State Rep. Gina Mitten, a Democrat, lives in St. Louis. According to FBI crime statistics, St. Louis is considered the most dangerous city in America.

“We’re experiencing these shootings but let’s not forget the fact that Missourians kill Missourians with guns regularly,” Mitten tells the Capitol press corps today. “This is not just an issue of school shootings. This is an issue of gun violence that takes place across our country every single day and it needs to be addressed here as well as nationally.”

Mitten goes on to say if gun violence was a cancer, the legislature would be talking about it.

“Lawmakers are sticking their heads in the sand,” she says.

During a speech today to address the deadly shooting, President Donald Trump, R, focused on the mental health of shooters – not the weapons they use. He said Americans must work together to create a culture that “embraces the dignity of life, that creates deep and meaningful connections, and that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors.”
