State Rep. Charlie Davis speaks to a Missouri House committee in January 2017 (photo courtesy of Tim Bommel at Missouri House Communications)

State Rep. Charlie Davis, R-Webb City, will take his advocacy on veterans issues to the White House this week. He’s been selected to participate in a White House conference about veterans issues.

“We will be meeting with senior staff as well as the senior staff in the Veterans Affairs office,” says Davis. “Hopefully we will be able to meet with many of the cabinet secretaries and hopefully the president.”

Davis, a Republican of southwest Missouri’s Webb City, is a Navy veteran.
He expects health care to be a key topic of discussion.

We have a great clinic coming to Joplin at the end of next year, but there have been many issues plaguing our veterans as far as the care goes,” he says.

Four investigations have been conducted this year and one is underway on the St. Louis Veterans Home involving claims of mismanagement, misuse and overuse of medications including antipsychotics, among other things.

By Ed Caffrey of Missourinet Joplin affiliate KZRG contributed to this story.

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