Photo courtesy of Jill Enders
Missouri U.S. Senator Roy Blunt visited the St. Louis area on Monday to promote the Senate version of a GOP tax bill. The Republican lawmaker spoke to employees at Patriot Machine in St. Charles, where he detailed selling points of the tax plan. One of Blunt’s key selling points was more take home pay.
“Income for families for about eight years has been pretty stagnant. We have had an economy that has grown at a lower level, so the competition for the workforce has not been as great as it normally has been in post World War II America and so the overall salaries haven’t been going up.” Blunt said.
After his speech, Blunt took questions from the employees at Patriot Machine. One employee asked how much more take home pay Missourians can expect to see with the tax plan.
“In our state if you’re in the $53,000 – $73,000 range of income, you should expect to see about $1700 – $2400 more over the next twelve months than you saw this year.” Blunt responded.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump on Monday promised a tax overhaul by Christmas.
Story by Missourinet contributor Jill Enders