The Missouri deer harvest was down about one percent for opening weekend of the firearms season compared to last year’s opening weekend.

White-Tailed deer (photo courtesy; Missouri Department of Conservation/Noppadol Paothong)

Hunters harvested nearly 94,977 deer. They checked 96,131 during opening weekend of 2016.

Top harvest counties this year were Howell with 2,095 deer checked, Franklin with 2,060 and Texas with 1,855.

The firearms deer season runs through next Tuesday, November 21. Archery deer season opens again Nov. 22 through Jan. 15, 2018. Youth firearms deer season is Nov. 24-26. The antlerless portion of firearms deer season runs Dec. 1-3 and alternative methods will be Dec. 23- Jan. 2, 2018.

Deer hunting gives a $1 billion annual boost to the state and local economies.

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