A time capsule that was sealed in 1915 will be opened at the 100th anniversary of the laying of the Missouri State Capitol Cornerstone, and Missourians are being asked to help pick what goes in the next one.

Missouri State Capitol

Missouri State Capitol

Governor Jay Nixon will reveal the contents of the time capsule at a ceremony on July 3.  Records show some of the items include Missouri newspapers and a copy of the amendment to the state constitution authorizing the construction of the then-new capitol.

Nixon spokesman Scott Holste said the items will be shared with the Missouri State Archives for potential display.

“There’s going to be some surprise items in there, I’m sure, and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in there when that’s unsealed,” said Holste.  “It’s very exciting from a historical standpoint.”

Holste said the ceremony will include local dignitaries, Missouri historian and former Missourinet News Director Bob Priddy, and masons whose organizations had participated in the laying of the original cornerstone.  A new time capsule with items that represent the Missouri of 2015 will be sealed in the cornerstone to remain until the 200th anniversary of the Capitol.  Nixon wants Missourians to make suggestions about what should go in it.

“People whose submissions are chosen will have their names placed with the items in the time capsule as well, so they too will become a part of history,” said Holste.  “We encourage Missourians of all ages and from all parts of the state to submit their ideas for things to be put in the time capsule.”

Holste said it’s important to keep in mind the capsule is small.

“It’s should be small enough to fit into a 19 inch x 15 inch x 8 capsule, so it’s not all that big of space,” said Holste.  “It’s not a big enough space to put very large items in, but we think there will be enough space to have an array of items that are representative of what society and life was like in Missouri during this year.”

Ideas can be submitted online at Mo.gov/TimeCapsule or on Twitter using the hashtag #MoTimeCapsule.
