Missouri’s biggest utility company has laid out its plans for the next two decades to cut emissions and move toward more generation from alternative and renewal sources.

Ameren is planning a major expansion of solar and wind power, switches to natural-gas fired power plants, and continued operations of the Callaway nuclear plant while keeping an eye on development of modular nuclear reactors.  Spokesman Warren Wood says the emissions cut will come from the shutdown of about one-third of its coal-fired generation facilities. “That fleet is aging and as we reach the natural end of life for those resources, we’re able to retire them,” he says.  He says improvements in solar and wind generation will put Ameren in compliance with state clean-energy requirements.

Wood hopes customers won’t feel too much of a pinch in rates. “The ongoing investments to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency regulations…are going to contribute to increases in costs.  We do also anticipate increases in costs of fuel but I think that’s going to be the same for everybody, ” he adds.

Ameren has 1.2 million customers. It updates the 20-year plan every three years.

AUDIO: Wood interview 13:06

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