A former Army drill sergeant has been found guilty on most of the sexual assault charges against him, after a three-day court-martial at Fort Leonard Wood.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Army Staff Sergeant Angel M. Sanchez, 30, was found guilty on 18 counts and not guilty on nine. He had already pleaded guilty to disobeying orders by having sex with three female trainees.

The judge in the court-martial case is recommending a 20-year sentence.

Sanchez was accused of incidents in the bathroom of a women’s barracks and an office for drill sergeants at the fort. Another incident was reported to have happened at Fort Richardson in Alaska.

Sanchez was found not guilty of forcing an army medic to have sex with him at an outpost in Afghanistan.

All of Sanchez’s accusers were subordinate to him except one, who was a fellow drill sergeant.

During sentencing testimony Wednesday, one alleged victim said a superior officer told her company of trainees on post not to report allegations of sexual assault. A different witness testified Tuesday about a similar statement made by a high-ranking officer.

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