The state Supreme Court has set a date for the execution of convicted murderer Mark Christeson. He is scheduled to die by lethal injection early the morning of October 29 at the prison in Bonne Terre.
Christeson, 35, was sentenced to death in 1999 for the murders of Susan Brouk and her children, 9-year-old Kyle and 12-year-old Adrian, at the Brouk’s home near Vichy.
Christeson, then 18, had raped Susan Brouk. He and his cousin, Jessie Carter, then forced her and her children into her vehicle and drove to her neighbor’s pond. There, Christeson cut her throat and her son’s throat before holding the boy in the pond until he drowned. He then suffocated her daughter and pushed her body into the pond, finally throwing Susan into the pond on top of her children where she drowned.
Both men were found guilty of three counts of first degree murder. Jessie Carter is serving life in prison without possibility of parole for his role in the murders.