Am I the only one who knows what is the correct call?

Am I the only one who knows what is the correct call?

A simple pick off attempt at first base. Bang-bang play, but it comes at a non-critical time in the ball game. Yet, the Giants feel it’s worthy of another look on replay, but somehow the umpires in the MLB offices in New York wasted an additional four minutes by not being able to use common sense to over turn a call.

I’m going to show you a video replay of the Giants-Diamonbacks game the other night to illustrate a point as to why the instant replay system in baseball is a work in progress, but needs to be revamped right away.

Because, if they’re going to make non-calls like this…then there is no reason for having the system in place.

Watch my Missourinet Mornings video and I’ll explain.  (baseball replay courtesy of
