Who would want to break up a couple like Mr. and Mrs. Met?  That SLUGGERR is a PLAYERRR. (photo via twitter @MrMet)

Who would want to break up a couple like Mr. and Mrs. Met? That SLUGGERR is a PLAYERRR. (photo via twitter @MrMet)

Who cares that James Shield pitched into the fifth inning of yesterday’s 8-2 win over the Mariners? Or the fact that Alex Gordon drove in two more runs to bring his spring total to seven? No, we’re all about digging up the dirt on the the dirtiest mascot in all of baseball…Kansas City’s Sluggerrr.

First, there were the stripper pictures. You’ve seen them or you know where to find them. Actually, it was shooting a hot dog at that poor defenseless fan who injured his eye when he couldn’t get his hands up in time to catch the fling’d frankfurter. Then the bachelor party episode, now this.

Hitting on Mrs. Met!

Mr. Met has been the Mets’ mascot since 1962, while his other half, Mrs. Met, was reintroduced in 2013 after a brief stint with the team in 1975. It seems she’s caught the eye of Sluggerrr, the Royals’ mascot.  He tweeted out to Mr. Met asking why Mrs. Met hasn’t “responded to me yet.”  Mr. Met  replied, “She purr-furs a real man.”
