The Department of Public Safety has issued a statement saying that the execution by lethal injection of 47-year-old Michael Taylor has been carried out. Taylor was pronounced dead at 12:10 a.m. at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre.

Michael Taylor (courtesy; Missouri Department of Corrections)

Michael Taylor (courtesy; Missouri Department of Corrections)

Taylor was one of two men that pleaded guilty to the 1989 murder of 15-year-old Ann Harrison of Kansas City. He and Roderick Nunley both admitted to abducting Harrison from the driveway of her home where she was waiting for a school bus. Taylor had raped the girl with Nunley’s help in the basement of Nunley’s mother’s home before fatally stabbing her and abandoning her body in the trunk of a car.

Nunley is also sentenced to death.

Taylor had been set to be executed once before, in 2006, but that was stopped with just hours to go.

See Bob Priddy’s story from Bonne Terre, with audio
