It began with Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) participating in a media conference Tuesday afternoon supporting legislative efforts to give the state more control of the federal Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri.

The Twitter exchange between Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) and Representative Chris Kelly (D-Columbia).

The Twitter exchange between Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (R) and Representative Chris Kelly (D-Columbia).

Kinder and others argue the federal park has languished under federal control. Kinder, in a release, says, “Under the supposed benevolent care of the federal government, this area now is considered threatened. The solution should not be to give the federal government more authority and power over management of this valuable state resource. Doing so not only restricts Missourians and visitors from enjoying the rivers, but will hurt many small businesses in southern Missouri that depend on tourism and recreation dollars. 

Kinder tweeted about the issue and his participation in the conference, to which Representative Chris Kelly (D-Columbia) replied, “yes!! Let’s put it back like it was … with Dodge trucks caught in the root wads. The oil in the water made neat rainbows.”In the somewhat lighthearted exchange that followed, Kelly asked Kinder to join him in a debate of the issues.

Kinder accepted.

“You pick the date,” he tweeted to Kelly. “Shannon Co. Courthouse in Eminence. Weapons of your choice, Kelly. We ride at dawn.”  He later added that the loser would have to buy at a Columbia restaurant and pool hall.

Kelly told the Lieutenant Governor he would begin looking for dates.
