The House Veterans Committee today took up a bill that would require schools would close each year for Veterans Day. Rep. Keith English (D-Florissant) is proposing that schools should not use Veterans Day as a dispensable day used to back-fill snow days, etc., and while the Missouri Associations of Veterans Organizations says it applauds his efforts to give the day the respect it deserves, kids should be in school to benefit from programs put on by veterans.

Veterans 3MAVO spokesman Rich Heigert says Veterans Day should not be “just a day off” for students, especially as veterans programs are gaining steam throughout the state through partnerships at local schools.

Heigert says breakfasts, speeches, and other programs are beneficial in teaching children about who veterans are, what they’ve sacrificed, and the freedoms we enjoy because of those who fought for them.

AUDIO: Jessica Machetta interviews veterans who testified in opposition to the bill. (8:46)
