A new book says Senator McCaskill was put on Hillary Clinton’s enemies list when McCaskill endorsed Barack Obama in 2008.
The book by Washington reporters Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen, “HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton,” will be released soon. One excerpt released early says the Clinton campaign staff listed Senator McCaskill, John Kerry, and Edward Kennedy among others on a list of people they felt had betrayed Clinton
The book says they were especially enraged when McCaskill said on “Meet the Press” that Bill Clinton had been a great leader. But, she said, “I don’t want my daughter near him.”
She immediately regretted the remark and offered Bill Clinton what is described as “a tearful apology.” But Hillary Clinton staffers, says the book, still hate her.
McCaskill dismisses the issue as “human nature” and is sure Hillary Clinton is long past it. “I am confident this is not either Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton. They’re too busy and frankly this is kind of silly,” she says.
McCaskill has no regrets about supporting Obama. She has endorsed Clinton for 2016 and says she’ll campaign for her with the same intensity as she campaigned for Obama in ’08.