Corn planting remains stagnant statewide with the exception of the Bootheel region; and because of that, Cereal Grain Agronomist Brent Myers says many grain producers are finding it difficult to plant their crops.

Myers is with the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension Office. He says farmers are struggling with below-average temperatures and four months of above-average precipitation, but recommends producers wait before switching corn acres out for different crops. Myers says a delay in planting does not mean that yields are in danger just yet.

“This week really makes the difference, I think,” Myers says. “This week and into next, we do still have the opportunity, even into late May, to get the crops planted without a significant hit on yields.”

But he says other factors do have an impact on yield, such as last year’s drought. He says that’s more of a problem.

However, Myers is recommending farmers don’t wait too long to get their crops in the ground. He says if corn is planted as late as the first week of June, significant yield loss could result.

“The profitability of corn planted after June 1 diminishes pretty rapidly,” Myers said, adding that the first week of June is recommended to be the cut off of optimal time to plant corn crops.

He says by that point, producers should expect a 40 percent yield reduction. In an optimal corn growing year, he says that wouldn’t be unacceptable to some producers, but says now, producers still have a window of opportunity to get the corn planted.


AUDIO: Mary Farucci reports. (1:03)
