Republicans expect to get a piece of legislation dating back to 1998 through the state senate this week, ending three weeks of discussion and negotiation. 

The bill requires government employees to give permission for public employee unions to withhold fees from their paychecks.  It says the employee also has to stipulate how much of the dues are for political contributions and to which political action committee the money would go. 

Democrat leader Jolie Justus  says concerns that union dues are being removed from paychecks and used for political contributions are erroneous..

                                  AUDIO: Justus :13

She was speaking with Senator Gina Walsh of Bellefontaine Neighbors, a retired member of a building trades union. 

But sponsor Dan Brown of Rolla says he’s just doing what state employees tell him they want done.

                                   AUDIO: Brown :17

One Democrat senator has suggested bills such as this are introduced by Republicans because too much union money goes to Democrats.  Senate floor leader Ron Richard says Brown has been negotiating with a Democrat senator, and he thinks a compromise is in the works  that can be passed without a lot of trouble this week.

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