A program through the American Academy of Opthamology is offering free eye exams for low-income Missourians who qualify.
February is “Save Your Vision” month, and EyeCare America is urging Missourians to prevent vision loss by getting their vision checked. Chairman Dr. Thomas Hutchinson says children and anyone who 65-years of age or older, a U.S. citizen, and has not had a medical eye examination in the last three years may qualify for an exam.
He says many of the blinding eye diseases occur as we get older. “We want everybody to know that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean your vision fails,” he said. “It should not be failing so if one doesn’t see well or if they haven’t had an eye examination in three years we can help with that.”
Hutchinson says patients will be referred to a doctor in their area that will treat them for a year for whatever eye condition might be found. “If there is a family history of lazy eye, or if an eye turns in or turns out- compared to the other,” he said. “These are important signs that an individual should have an examination done.”
Over four million Americans live with serious vision loss or blindness. Hutchinson says patients will be referred to a doctor in their area that will treat them for a year for whatever condition might be found, at no expense. By having an eye exam, if an eye disease is caught in its early stages, there are treatments available that can prevent blindness.
AUDIO: Mary Farucci reports. (1:02)