Two long days of negotiations have led to a long night of action in the senate on the things on which the senate wants to spend money in the next fiscal year.

A core group of about nine Senators had some sharp differences with the budget bills coming from the senate appropriations committee.  They were joined in a loose and changing coalition by other senators who had their own issues.

Debate didn’t start until 8:15 last night…and didn’t stop until 2:30 this morning. 

A relatively small thing in the 24-billion dollar budget was 28-milion dollars put back in the plan for low-income blind Missourians.  

Thee senate’s version of the state budget is just a little more than 24-billiion dollars.  It calls for one-thousand fewer full-time employees.   But it does not include any tax credit reforms that credit critics say rob the state of hundreds of millions of badly-needed dollars. 

A special House and Senate committee has until May 11th to find compromises on those bills and get them back through the House and Senate by May 11th.

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