A dozen Missourians are hoping for a quick decision in a Jefferson City courtroom this week and another quick decision by the Supreme Court.  They hope Missouri’s reapportionment plans end up O-for-3 in the courts.

A circuit judge in Jefferson City will consider the validity of state representative districts.  A dozen plaintiffs say they’re unconstitutional and a do-over should be ordered,  The supreme court already has ordered state senate maps to be redrawn and  has ordered more court review of the congressional district maps with the possibility they could be thrown out, too. 

One of the dozen plaintiffs is former legislator Bob Johnson whose career went through redistricts in 1980 and 1990. He also was involved in discussions with citizen commission in 2000 and last year.  Commission maps have been thrown out in the last two redistricting.

The difference–‘Way, way more partisanship in the last two re-mappings, especially this time, he says.   But lessening partisanship might be difficult because commission members are picked by the political parties.  “As it stands now, we can’t rely on the political parties to be fair,” he says.

A lot has to happen before filing starts in 30 days. Some discussions have started at the capitol about passing a law delaying the filing season. 

 AUDIO: Johnson interview 8:32 mp3
