Water is starting to flow out of flooded areas of northwest Missouri as the Missouri River levels drop.  Emergency management spokesman Josh Marks with the Corps of Engineers in Kansas City says the retreating waters might add to the damage in the area…

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As the river retreats, the state transportation department expects to see many miles of roads come to light.   Department spokesman Kelly Barber is looking forward to projections that the river will drop by a foot or more in the next few days in northwest Missouri.                                

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Kansas City Corps District Commander Tony Hoffman thinks the river could be back where it belongs in another six weeks or so. “We’re planning…around mid-October,” he says.  That assumes there are no heavy rains in the lower basin during that time. 

Hoffman says the water’s going to have to go down quite a bit more before a thorough inspection of levees can be made. He says some preliminary aerial surveys have been run.

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The river has been in a flooding condition for more than three months—the corps counts this as the 109th day of the flood of 2011.  Hoffman says some work on the navigation channel is likely to be necessary when the flood is finished.

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The Corps dates the flood from the weekend of May 23rd.



