The tornado in Joplin devastated St. John’s Mercy Hospital and carried tons of paperwork up to 100 miles away. Now, hospital officials in Joplin are asking for the public’s help in returning them.

Officials are asking those who have found records or papers to first determine if there is any information on the document that can link it to a specific person. That includes: name, address, date of birth, medical record number, social security number, address, or phone number.

If there is no such information, they’re asking that the record be shredded and thrown away or burned.

If personal information is on the document or record, it can be returned to the Mercy-St. John’s command center at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, 3615 Range Line Road, Joplin, Mo., or sent by mail to:

Attention: Privacy Department

St. John’s Hospital

1235 East Cherokee Street

Springfield, MO 65804

(Postage will be reimbursed for those who include and the address where the sender can be reimbursed.)

Questions? Call Privacy Officer Shawn Barton at 417-820-8780.

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