Missouri’s senior senator has signed onto a bill backed by eight Republicans to limit federal spending    Tennessee Senator Bob Corker  and Senator Claire McCaskill are the co-sponsors  whose names will be on the bill that cuts federal spending as a part of Gross Domestic Product by twenty percent in ten years.

They say their bill is a “legislative straitjacket” that will force Congress to cut spending during the next decade. If it doesn’t, the Office of Management and Budget is authorized to make across-the-board cuts to drop federal spending to that year’s step down.

McCakill considers the bill a gamble for her. She calls it a “bold step” that might cost her her Senate Seat if it is “distorted and twisted.”

She says the bill forces Congress to say “no” to increased spending and increased funding for special interests and favored projects. 

She says it’s time Congress made reforms that auditors have recommended for years.  She says it’s time to quit running up deficits for federal agencies that get failing management grades year after year.  And she says it’s time to stop passing appropriations bills with millions of dollars in earmarks

McCaskill speaks on the Senate floor 13:40 mp3
