Robin Carnahan (D) greets voters outside a Columbia polling place

Secretary of State Democrat Robin Carnahan greeted voters outside the polls in Columbia this morning in her attempt to beat out Republican Congressman Roy Blunt for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Bond. Carnahan says after a long campaign, it feels good to see November 2nd finally come.

“If folks turn out we’re going to win this thing. It’s going to be a question of whether they want to have folks in Washington that are going to be representing their interests and not being caught up in the ways of Washington and all the cozy special interests that have way too much power there,” Carnahan said.

The Missourinet asked Carnahan if she was satisfied with the tone of the campaign – on both sides.

Republican Congressman Roy Blunt (file photo)

“Everybody wishes you could have a more positive campaign and not have nonsense and negative attacks. I certainly had my fair share of those, millions of dollars worth from outside interests. We don’t even know who paid for those,” Carnahan said, referring to Congressman Blunt’s ads.

Blunt voted in Springfield this morning, near his hometown of Strafford. Most polls show Blunt leading Carnahan in the race.

Blunt will gather with Republicans in Springfield to watch the results tonight. Carnahan’s camp will be in St. Louis. Missourinet reporters will be on location at each site. Check our website for updates on this and all of the statewide races and ballot measures, or tune in to a Missourinet affiliate for our updates every half hour from 7:30pm – 12:05am

Polls close at 7:00pm.

Carnahan and State Treasurer Clint Zweifel walk to the polls in Columbia
