Carl Edwards talks with reporters prior to his bike ride

Carl Edwards talks with reporters prior to his bike ride

On Wednesday July 14th, NASCAR star and Columbia, MO. native Carl Edwards got ready for his yearly bike ride with friends from Columbia to the Gateway Speedway just across the border in Illinois, but the first leg of the race will help another buddy of his who won’t be able to make the entire trek.  Click here to watch video from the start line

Sam Russell has been friends with Edwards since kindergarten. Three years ago, Russell was in a moutain bike accident that left him paralyzed. For the last three years, Edwards has helped the Russell family raise money for his recovery and finances to care for Russell, his wife and three children.

The ride started at Walt’s Bike Shop on Rogers Street in Columbia and ended at the trail head of McBain on the MKT Trail. A few dozen riders braved the heat and humidity to join Edwards on the ride.

Nancy Russell, the mother of Sam visited with me to give us more information on the bike ride.

Nancy Russell on the second Ride with Carl for Sam fundraiser

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