Missouri’s U.S. Senators say they ultimately support the President in his decision to fire General Stanley McChrystal after his disparaging remarks in a Rolling Stone interview.

McCaskill calls McChrystal’s remarks about President Obama and Vice President Biden alarming, but says she’s not concerned that his dismissal will be detrimental to the American war effort in Afghanistan, or to the U.S. military as a whole.

McCaskill says she respects the President’s decision to do what he felt needed to be done, and Bond agrees with her. He adds that the U.S. must keep its focus during this change in command, which is fighting Al Qaeda terrorists.

Both he and McCaskill say they trust the president to depend on the right military leaders who can bring our troops home on a success.

McCaskill says some of the offensive comments about the Administration in a Rolling Stone article. She says some of the remarks were made by his aides right in front of him, and that by his silence, he effectively was agreeing with them.

“Clearly he didn’t speak up and correct his aids when they were insulting the Vice President, when someone has that level of responsibility over the very people who are keeping our nation safe…”

Jessica Machetta reports [Download / listen Mp3, 1:18 min.]
