The state’s top lawyer is mobilizing law enforcement to push for requiring a prescription to get some kinds of cold medicine. Attorney General Chris Koster thinks the legislature is hearing only one side of the story on the issue–and it comes from the pharmaceutical industry. But he says about 100 of the state’s 114 prosecutors favor of prescriptions being required for pseudoephedrine, He says the sheriffs are at least equally supportive.

But some might argue the requirement would hassle the huge majority of consumers who just want cold relief. “The premise…is absolutely untrue. We think nationally seventy percent or so of pseudoephedrine sales is going to the illegal production of methamphetamine,” he says. He cites a Missouri Highway Patrol study from north-central Missouri that fifty to sixty percent of pseudoephedrine sales is being purchased by known meth cooks Koster says those numbers have turned him around on the issue.

He says the numbers he has seen indicate the pharmaceutical industry would lose some sales if the change is made but the loss would be relatively small.

He wants law enforcement’s position given as much attention and respect as lawmakers give the pharmaceutical lobbyists.,

Bob Priddy’s story  :57  mp3  kosdrineva

Interview with Chris Koster   8:06   mp3   kasdrine11
