Dozens of local groups are being formed to make sure nobody is missed in next year’s census. Some of the groups will help specific populations.

The first of the local Complete Count Committees started forming last summer. They’re operating under a state Complete Count Committee headed by Commissioner of Administration Kelvin Simmons.

Simmons says Missouri’s representation in Congress and the amount of federal money the state will get will be based on population….meaning it’s important everybody is counted. And he means everybody.

“That is the absolute goal…to count everyone in the United States of America (so we ) get a snapshot in time,” he says.

Some of the local Complete Count Committees are being formed along religious or ethnic lines. He says the best people to get involved with census are the people known and trusted by various groups. Simmons says it’s important people feel it is safe to fill out the forms.

He calls those local groups “vitally important.”

Bob Priddy interviews Kelvin Simmons  10:16

