Senator Bond at Missouri Farm Bureau It’s costing less to fill up the gas tank, but there are concerns this is only a break and that we’ll see higher pump prices again soon.

Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) and the Missouri Farm Bureau are calling for what they label a comprehensive energy strategy to help ease the burden on farmers and families. Bond says that strategy must include alternatives such as ethanol and biodiesel, but cannot ignore the need to drill for more oil domestically. Bond says the higher prices will return if we don’t take steps to make sure there are adequate energy supplies.

Bond says the financial crisis is responsible, at least in part, for gas and oil prices going down because we are using less gasoline. But he says the decline is only temporary, with the prices going up again once the economy gets back on its feet. Bond wants pressure brought to bear on Congress to allow the U.S. to explore for its own oil offshore and elsewhere.

Download/Listen: Senator Bond at Missouri Farm Bureau – introduced by Charlie Kruse (31:00 MP3)
