The conventions are now history and the quest for Missouri’s 11 electoral votes gets underway in earnest.
An official with the McCain campaign confirms Republican presidential nominee John McCain (R-AZ) will attend a private event in Columbia on Monday. He’ll arrive Sunday afternoon or evening, overnight in Columbia, then visit a Columbia business before jetting off to another location. The name of the business could not be confirmed.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Jo Biden (D-DE) spends some time in Missouri on Tuesday. A press release from the Obama campaign states Biden will visit Missouri, but provides no other details.
Meanwhile, the head of the Democratic National Committee pays a visit to Missouri on Saturday. Howard Dean is touring the Midwest on what is billed as his "Register for Change" bus tour. It’s a voter registration event which has scheduled a pair of stops in Missouri – the first in Columbia at 10:30 Saturday morning and the second in St. Louis at 2:30 pm.