Most high school students would say the first day of school is run of the mill, but Todd Fuller, spokesman with the Missouri State Teacher’s Association, said that’s the exact opposite approach parents and students should take.

Even upper classmen can use a refresher on where classes are located and the best way to ensure a successful first week is to not get lost on the way to class, he said.

"Some of our high schools in Missouri have been added on so many times and they’re winding and you could easily get lost in many of the high schools in Missouri," Fuller said. "So if you have the opportunity to go figure out where all your classes are, take it."

Once students are comfortable with where their classes are located, Fuller suggests students get to know their counselors.

"Counseling becomes a very critical step in the high school levels," he said.

Counselors can advise students on class scheduling and the best way for them to prepare for life after graduation.

Parents should also be involved in the scheduling decisions.  While Fuller doesn’t advocate setting your student’s schedule of classes for them, he suggests talking with your student about what classes they’re taking and what they want to take in the future.

"High school is interesting because that’s when students start to say you know what I can do this on my own mom and dad, I don’t really need your assistance but in reality there’s still some assistance that’s needed there."

Fuller suggests continuing to ask specifics about homework and keeping tabs on how classes are going.

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