Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain (R-AZ) visits Springfield on Wednesday to take part in a town hall forum on solutions to America’s energy problems. In an interview with the Missourinet in advance of his Springfield visit, the Arizona Senator stated his support for states to have the right to drill for oil on the outer continental shelf.

While he supports drilling offshore, McCain has not altered his position on oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, saying ANWR is a national treasure and should remain off limits.

On the issue of expanded use of nuclear energy, McCain is a supporter, saying it is an alternative source of energy that must be considered. McCain expresses his support for ethanol and other alternative fuels, but makes it clear he is opposed to subsidies for ethanol, saying the massive subsidies have distorted the market and have driven up food prices.

Download/Listen: Steve Walsh interviews Senator John McCain (9:00 MP3)
Download/Listen: Steve Walsh report (:60 MP3)
