Senate debate on legislation to create the conditions to attract a huge Bombardier Aerospace project to an area near Kansas City International Airport began with the start of business Tuesday morning … and lasted until into the evening. And, the Senate was not able to reach agreement on whether this huge tax credit mega-project should proceed.

Senator Charlie Shields (R-St. Joseph) says the Senate will continue to work at ironing out differences on SB 1234 , but he says he takes some comfort in the fact the House approved the idea earlier in the day on a 140-8 vote.

Shields says the Senate is trying to put in the best safeguards and guarantees that it can, but he hastens to add this is like no other economic development package that has been put together in the state – there are no absolutes. This was the third day of debate on the issue without resolution. Shields expects to return to the legislation next week.

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