They might have folded their campaign tents, but you can still vote for them next Tuesday–and you can vote for a lot of other people too on Super Tuesday.

Romney, McCain, Huckabee and Paul are still running big league campaigns as well as Clinton and Obama.

But you can still vote for Thompson, Giuliani, Tancredo and Edwards, Richardson, Kucinich, if you want to.

Deputy Secretary of State Mike Bushmann, who heads the elections divison, says they are among the names of 27 candidates on the ballots of three parties facing voters Tuesday. He says candidates who have announced their recent withdrawals from the presidential races are still listed because they announced too late to have their names removed.

Among other Republican candidates is postal service employee Virgil L. R. Wiles of Florissant, Hugh Cort, who says he’s an internationally recognized counter-terrorism expert. Among the Democrats is substitute teacher Ralph Spelbring and a bunch of other names you’ve heard of at various times.

You even have six choices on a third-party ticket: the Libertarians.  One of the candidates calls himself "the most recognized sports odds maker and prognosticator in the world."  Another is the founder of the American Medical Marijuana Association. Still another is a charter bus driver.

Maybe it’s not true that anybody in this country can be president, but Missouri’s Super Tuesday ballot shows that certainly anybody can run.

More information is available on the Secretary of State’s website .

Audio for this story removed 2/4/08.
