The legal challenge to Secretary of State Robin Carnahan’s summary wording of an initiative to limit certain forms of stem cell research in Missouri has its day in court – but there could be more such days.

Attorney Eddie Greim, representing the plaintiffs led by the group Cures Without Cloning , argued before Cole County Circuit Judge Patricia Joyce that the summary is not an honest attempt to let voters know what a yes vote or a no vote would mean. He adds the signature collectors would have to spend a lot of extra time by having to explain to voters why the wording on the summary is so vastly different from the goal of the plaintiffs.

Assistant Attorney General Karen Mitchell, representing the state, argued the ballot summary is just that – a summary – and is not intended to tell all about an initiative. Mitchell insists the summary language is sufficient and fair.

The judge expects to have a ruling on at least part of the challenge by the middle of the month. If more arguments are needed, a February 20th court date has been set aside.

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