Law enforcement is preparing to buckle down on their message for motorists to buckle up. Highway Patrol Captian Tim Hull says the “Click It or Ticket” campaign begins with awarness through the media, but starting May 21st law enforcement will begin vigorous enforcement of the secondary seatbelt law. Hall says the enforcement part of the campaign will last until June 4th, though he says the Highway Patrol is committed to enforcing seatbelt violations throughout the year.
Hall says in 2006, a Missour driver not wearing a seatbelt had more than a 40% chance of being injured in a traffic crash, while a driver wearing a seatbelt had just a 13% change of being injured. He adds that Missouri motorists not wearing a seatbelt have more than a 3% chance of being killed in a traffic crash. Hull says the chance of being killed when wearing a seatbelt is negligible. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports more than half of the 31-thousand people who died last year were not wearing a seatbelt.